Dance Services in Virginia & Maryland

      . . . take the first step and contact us today!


Dance Services
in Virginia & Maryland

...take the first step and contact us today!

Dance Services
Lee & Peggy
Mike Santos
Contact Us
Contact Us

Lee Santos: (540) 335-4800.
Mike Santos: (301) 471-5077.

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Learning to dance can be fun and easy
 ...when you get started on the right foot!

We offer a variety of private and group lessons, in all different dance styles and for all different skill levels, throughout the Virginia and Maryland areas.

If you aren’t sure what class or style is right for you, contact us and we’d be happy to advise you. 

It is said that “a journey of a thousand miles must begin with the first step.” 

Take the first step, and contact us today!

Lee and Peggy Santos,
Mike Santos

Classic videos like this, of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, embody the ideal of a graceful dancer. All too many people think they can never achieve grace and poise like this.   ...but we can help!   click to watch video

Will you be dancing like this after your first lesson? Maybe not... but just a few lessons later and you’ll be well on your way!

Call or text us today, at (540) 335-4800, or email!

Classic videos like this, of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, embody the ideal of a graceful dancer. All too many people think they can never achieve grace and poise like this.   ...but we can help!   click to watch video

Will you be dancing like this after your first lesson? Maybe not... but just a few lessons later and you’ll be well on your way!

Call or text us today, at (540) 335-4800, or email!

For Virginia classes, call or text Lee Santos at (540) 335-4800.

For Maryland classes, contact Mike Santos at (301) 471-5077.